Check out the videos, and when you're checking them out, notice the leaves falling in the intro, and then the reflections in the paint of actual things in the envrioment. The intro would be the second link down on the right. WARNING: NOT 56K SAFE.
Munkyofdth(2:41:07 AM): I never thought opera could fade so beautifully into panama
Heretic6420(2:41:21 AM): lol
Heretic6420(2:41:37 AM): panamnian opera
Check out the videos, and when you're checking them out, notice the leaves falling in the intro, and then the reflections in the paint of actual things in the envrioment. The intro would be the second link down on the right. WARNING: NOT 56K SAFE.
Munkyofdth(2:41:07 AM): I never thought opera could fade so beautifully into panama
Heretic6420(2:41:21 AM): lol
Heretic6420(2:41:37 AM): panamnian opera