# of minutes spent cleaning tubes at work today: 65
# of minutes spent bitching, trying to get out of it: 15
excuses i used: I'm too big; I'm allergic; You're smaller, wouldn't be easier for you to do it? Can't the trainee do it this afternoon? Can you give me about 20 minutes to think up a better excuse than I don't want to?
excuses that worked: 0
bargain half assed work for McDonald's breakfast: priceless
$ value of McD's it got me: 7
I also just returned Driv3r (one of the hardest games I've ever played), House of the Dead: Movie, and Carandiru; a week of violence has ended. So I rented what? you ask? Hitman 2 and The Spongebob Movie just to balance things out so it's a not so violent week.