Tuesday, January 18, 2005

music and lava lamps

I sit here listening to the cure and other mentally stimulating songs whilst staring at my lava lamp wondering what i'm going to do with my life. My laziness and lack of discipline has finally bit me in the ass, hard. Marines? or new FT job until I can buy more schooling? Both have downsides, the first being there's a much larger chance of being killed by a pissed off iraqi, the second being that a somewhat large chunk of what I'm going to be making will go to either my mother or a landlord for rent, whichever is cheaper. I really fucked up this time folks, time to look at options some more.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are no right or wrong answers, in the very big picture. We put ourselves where we need to be, to learn the lessons we need to learn. You will rise from the ashes. Honest.

- Tyldak

12:49 AM  

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