Saturday, January 22, 2005

Life changing decisions over fried chicken and mashed potatoes are good for me.

So today, my mom and I sat down and actually spoke with each other about my life and what I'm going to do with it. It happened to be in a Roy Rodgers so no screaming could occur, and while eating lunch, so I could avoid some questions by answering with my mouth full of delicious fried chicken. It was the first time I've spoken to her for an hour on not so great terms without doors slamming or things being thrown. Improvement. We determined that unless I really want to do something, motivation I don't have, there needs to be someone pushing me, ie gunnery sgt. Basically, I need to find something I really really love to do, which for the time being is not school in my opinion. I may try to find some other line of work that makes me happy, any ideas?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was dangerous. You could have gotten a chicken leg shoved up your nose!

7:30 AM  

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